
Making An Online Video? Why You Should Be Concerned For Others

In the United States and throughout much of the world, a large number of internet users visit online video websites. Online video websites, such as Google Video and YouTube, allow you to watch videos that other internet users have posted, but you can also make and share your own videos.  Sounds like fun doesn’t it?  Before you start making plans, you are advised to keep your video content in mind, especially the impact it may have on others.

Whether you already have a video idea in your head or not, it is advised that you famialrize yourself with the rules of each online video website, especially before you start making your video.  You should easily be able to find links to a number of different video websites, including YouTube and Google Video, by performing a standard internet search.  Somewhere on the webpage of the online video website you are visiting, you should be able to find rules and a terms of use agreement posted.  Many times, the video content that is prohibited will be listed in the terms of use.  Some online video websites will have content restrictions, but not all do. Those restrictions may include the use of pornographic material or the use of threats.

Unfortunately, most individuals feel that as long as they are following the terms of use, they are free to make a video on what ever topic, subject, or issue that they want to discuss.  Of course you can do this, but in some cases you are advised against doing so.  There are a large number ways that you could intentionally or even unintentionally insult one of your video viewers.  These insults may be the result of a political rant, a religious rant, or a rant on a particular race.  In addition to straight-out rants, you may also want to be cautious of telling jokes or mocking popular issues.

Are you wondering why you should be concerned with what someone else has to think? If so, you are definitely not alone.  Online, there are literally hundreds of online videos that can often be considered offensive, many in more ways than one.  Those video posters do not seem to care who they may be offending or insulting. Since these videos, along with many others, can be found online, there are many who have just gotten used to seeing them.  Although you may think that it is funny to tell jokes concerning people of another race, there are many internet viewers who would take the information to heart. Some would not only be hurt by your video and your words, but some would be furious. Most likely furious enough to give your video a bad review or leave negative comments for everyone to see.

As previously mentioned, no one can tell you what type of video you can make and upload to an online video website.  If you wish to make and share a video that may be considered offensive to a particular group of people, you are urged to air on the side of caution.  In the event that you still wish to post your video on an online video website, you may want to consider posting a viewer warning. If unique warnings labels or symbols are not allowed, you will want to post a warning in your video title.  This may help to ensure that your video does not get viewed by those who may take offense to it.  Not only will you be protecting yourself, but you may also be protecting an internet user from seeing content that they wished they never watched.

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