Selamat pagi, Hai teman-teman bagaimana kabarnya hari ini? Saya berharap semoga kita semua tetap dan keadaan sehat jasmani dan rohani yah. Alhamdulillah, saya bersyukur kepada Allah alasannya masih diberikan kesempatan untuk menulis artikel kembali.
Ok,langsung saja ini ia kumpulan kata-kata motivasi bahasa inggris

"Work hard, dream bigger and be the best" "
Greatness can actually be found in small things that we sometimes miss" "
When we have each other, we have everything"
"What will you do,
when you know you can't fail"
"A journey of thousands of miles starts from a small step"
"If you spend time trying to be good at everything,
you will never be great in anything"
"Some people want something to happen,
some people hope it will happen,
others make it come true"
"Only those who dare to take far-off
risks can find how far one can go"
"The champion believes in himself
even when others don't believe"
"You are blocking your dreams when you allow
your fears to grow bigger than your beliefs"
"My parents work too hard for me not
so that I don't just become an ordinary
person but become an extraordinary person"
"People who follow the crowd usually get lost in it"
"Don't exchange what you really
want for what you want for now"
"When people say you've changed actually
it's just because you stopped
doing what they want you to do"
"God still loves you if there are still
many trials and challenges of life that come to you.
God believes that you are able to go through it, so keep that belief "
"Dare to make a decision so you
have stepped 10 times faster to succeed"
"The reality of your life is a description of your soul and mind"
"Every time you pass in vain only
keeps you away and farther away from the word success"
"A good decision comes from experience,
and experience comes from a bad decision"
"Don't wait for the best day to step because
every day is very valuable"
"Luck is when the opportunity comes,
you have matured with all the preparation"
"You are now the result of your experience"
"Failure is not to be feared but to be learned"
"If God is your reason to live then
there will never be a reason to surrender"
"Never make a permanent decision
for a temporary feeling"
"Shut up is the best response for fools"
"Your best teacher is the last mistake you made"
"One day I will become a place that you will always miss"
"The star won't shine without darkness"
"If today is perfect then what's the meaning of tomorrow?"
"Work as if you don't need money,
love it like you won't get hurt
and dance as if no one has seen you"
"Do what you fear most in your life"
"Being mature and wise begins with being young and stupid"
"With an attitude that will determine who will survive in your life"
"A heart that decides who you want in this life"
"The time you decide with whom you will meet"
"Do something today that will make you thank you in the coming days"
"Better alone than together with the wrong person"
"No matter how far the water flows it will never forget its upstream"
Life Motivation words
"Mistakes are proof that you are trying"
"Knowing it is not enough we have to do it,
the desire is not enough just by crying we have to do it"
"Beauty will invite attention to courtesy luring Kalbu"
"Love him even though he isn't as perfect as you want to be"
"We may be separated for a long time
when we cannot learn to be more mature"
"An ounce of action is as valuable as a ton of theory"
"Give more attention to the people you care about,
that's what they need"
"In this life many people know what to do,
but few do what they know.
Knowing is not enough,
you must take action "
"When love is maintained you will know
who appreciates more about a relationship"
"Crying can release additional stress hormones,
that's why we cry after feeling better"
Self Motivation Words
"Go as far as possible and when you arrive there you will see further"
"God, I know that when I lose something you
are preparing something better for me"
"You can't change your past and don't worry too much
about tomorrow. Today is a day that can change your future.
"I think that there is something more important than just believing,
the actions of this World are full of dreamers,
not many people dare to come forward
and start taking definite steps to realize their vision"
"Today is the first day of your life.
Make this day the best day of your life and hopefully
tomorrow the sun will shine brightly "
"Fear of failure should not be a reason not to try something"
"The tragedy in life is not one that ends too fast,
but we wait too long to sta
"There is no failure word that is only successful
or needs to learn again until it works"
"In fear that what appears is an obstacle,
in the sure that what appears is opportunity"
"A brave person is not a person who has no fear.
But a person who is able to walk above his fear"
"When the situation in your school is unpleasant.
That's when your character is actually being formed "
"Catch job opportunities, do you finish?"
"1000 words and knowledge do not mean without a real action"
"Happiness begins with sincerity"
"Don't expect anything extraordinary if you just want to do the usual thing"
"Gratitude is a powerful way to achieve tremendous energy.
Have you been grateful today?"
"The quality of your mind determines the quality of your life"
"Optimistic people can see opportunities in problems,
pessimists will see problems in opportunities"
"Miracles are real for those who believe in surrender and work hard"
Motivational words of enthusiasm
"God does not hate lazy people,
but God allows people to diligently take the sustenance of lazy people"
"90% of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses"
"To achieve what you really want, focus is not enough. You must have the hunger to reach it "
"Look up to be inspired to look down to be grateful"
"Look at the challenge as a test and look at the problem as a reprimand"
"Win or lose, do it honestly
"The tragedy in life is not one that ends too fast, but we wait too long to start
"A great life begins with a big dream""Being old is definitely an adult choice"
"There is no failure word that is only successful or needs to learn again until it works"
"In fear that what appears is an obstacle,
in the sure that what appears is opportunity"
"A brave person is not a person who has no fear.
But a person who is able to walk above his fear"
"When the situation in your school is unpleasant.
That's when your character is actually being formed "
"Catch job opportunities, do you finish?"
"1000 words and knowledge do not mean without a real action"
"Happiness begins with sincerity"
"Don't expect anything extraordinary
if you just want to do the usual thing"
"Gratitude is a powerful way to achieve tremendous energy.
Have you been grateful today?"
"The quality of your mind determines the quality of your life"
"Optimistic people can see opportunities in problems,
pessimists will see problems in opportunities"
"Miracles are real for those
who believe in surrender and work hard"
Motivational words of enthusiasm
"God does not hate lazy people,
but God allows people to diligently
take the sustenance of lazy people"
"90% of failures come from people
who have the habit of making excuses"
"To achieve what you really want,
focus is not enough.
You must have the hunger to reach it "
"Look up to be inspired to look down to be grateful"
"Look at the challenge as a test and look at
the problem as a reprimand"
"Win or lose, do it honestly"
"Rain doesn't just come alone.
He comes with coolness,
bad things don't come alone.
He comes with learning."
"People who stop learning will become owners of the past,
people who continue to learn will become the owners of the future"
"Discipline is not easy but without discipline
your life will be much more difficult"
"Genius is 1 inspiration and 99 sweat can't replace hard work.
"Forgiving others is like watering
coals in the liver good for our health"
"A true winner always gives 100%
of his efforts, even when no one sees him"
"Shut up doesn't necessarily solve
the problem but at least doesn't raise the problem"
"Mistakes and failures are the best
teachers if we want to honestly admit and learn from them"
"Difficulty is the best rain to show true quality of self"
"Put God first in every step of your life,
everything will be added to you"
"Don't be afraid to face the future,
face and fight for it"
"The first step needed to
get what you want is to decide what you want"
"The biggest failure is when you don't dare to try"
"Pain in the struggle only lasts for a while,
but if you give up the pain it will feel forever"
"Hard work and smart work can ensure success
and charity can make it easier"
"It's better to be a king of rats than a dragon's tail"
"Like learning, selling, living frugally,
buying assets like, charity is 5 prosperous recipes"
"Work sincerely because working
without force will give maximum results"
"The influence of what people
say to you 100% is by your own permission"
Words of Motivation of Life
"Start with a small one, Do it the big way is the right way"
"Don't let your dreams be colonized by the opinions of others"
"If you want big results don't just do the easy thing"
"A heart that is hot,
blunting the logic of cooling it before making a decision."
"The sad thing is not the shot
that missed but the aimless shot"
"Running away from problems will make the problem bigger,
dealing with it will make you bigger"
"If you always play safely,
forever you are in the same place"
"Saving is only to maintain wealth,
to increase investment"
"There are times when the defeat of
sweetness is when you have done your best.
"Who can accept his weaknesses actually
just added an advantage to him"
"Life is simple,
sometimes the human mind makes it complicated"
"Excessive anxiety won't
change anything except self-damage
"Love will make us the richest person in the world,
therefore start loving"
"Negative thoughts are very powerful
when given the opportunity,
so don't give them a chance.
"Complaining is the other side of waste,
waste of time and energy"
"Not many arrows determine
the victory but sharp arrows and decisive goals"
"God is never too late he will
show his power, even in the last second"
"When other people do your dream it means
they have not been able to see as far as you see"
"Everything that happens to you
will never train your strength to solve it"
"People who don't learn from failure are people who really fail"
"Saying you can certainly be confidently
your brain will immediately find a solution
"Success often comes to those
who dare to act and rarely
approach those who are defeated by fear"
"There is no price for time
but time is very valuable"
"Not all of our efforts are paid
by humans, but God will pay them later"
"Everything that is too little
and too much will not bring goodness"
"Our response to the problem determines the quality
of the news focus on solutions"
Kata kata Motivasi Kehidupan
“Mulailah dengan yang kecil,
Kerjakanlah dengan cara yang besar yakni dengan cara yang benar”
“Jangan biarkan impianmu dijajah oleh pendapat orang lain” “bila ingin hasil yang besar jangan kerjakan hal yang gampang saja” “Hati yang sedang panas menumpulkan logika
dinginkan terlebih dahulu sebelum mengambil keputusan” “Yang menyedihkan bukanlah bidikan yang meleset tapi bidikan tanpa target” “Lari dari problem akan menciptakan problem menjadi lebih besar,
menghadapinya akan menciptakan anda menjadi lebih besar”
“Jika selamanya anda bermain aman,
selamanya juga Anda di daerah yang sama” “Menabung itu hanya untuk mempertahankan
kekayaan, untuk meningkatkannya berinvestasilah” “Ada saatnya dimana kekalahan rasa manis
yaitu Saat anda sudah melaksanakan yang terbaik. “Siapa yang bisa mendapatkan kelemahannya
bekerjsama gres saja menambah satu kelebihan pada dirinya” “Hidup ini sederhana terkadang pikiran insan yang membuatnya rumit” “Cemas yang berlebihan tidak akan mengubah apapun kecuali merusak diri sendiri “Cinta akan menciptakan kita menjadi orang terkaya di dunia,
oleh alasannya itu mulailah mencintai” “pikiran negatif sangat berkuasa kalau diberi kesempatan,
jadi jangan memberinya kesempatan. “Mengeluh itu sisi lain dari pemborosan,
pemborosan waktu dan energy” “Bukan banyaknya panah yang memilih kemenangan
tapi tajam panah dan tujuannya yang menentukan” “Allah tidak pernah terlambat ia akan menunjukkan kuasanya,
pada detik terakhir sekalipun” “Saat orang lain melaksanakan impianmu itu
berarti mereka belum bisa melihat sejauh anda melihat” “Segala sesuatu problem yang menimpa Anda
tidak akan pernah melatih kekuatan anda untuk menyelesaikannya” “Orang yang tidak berguru dari kegagalan
adalah orang yang gagal sesungguhnya” “Katakan bisa niscaya bisa dengan penuh keyakinan
otak kita akan segera mencari solusi “Sukses seringkali tiba pada mereka
yang berani bertindak dan jarang menghampiri pada mereka yang dikalahkan ketakutan” “Tidak ada harga untuk waktu, tetapi waktu sangat berharga” “Tidak semua perjuangan kita dibayar oleh manusia,
tapi Allah akan membayarnya kelak” “Semua yang terlalu sedikit dan terlalu banyak tidak akan membawa kebaikan” “Respon kita terhadap problem memilih kualitas gosip fokus pada solusi” Itulah beberapa kata-kata motivasi bahasa inggris yang saya bagikan kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa membantu kalian..